Dr Pascal Hajj

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Weekly Timetable

Dr Pascal Hajj is available at the following timeslots:

  • Tuesday 15:00 - 17:00
  • Thursday 15:00 - 17:00

Dr Pascal Hajj


Last updated: 23/09/2020


Kidney Transplantation

Laparoscopic Surgery

Oncologic Surgery



- 2003–2005 Fellowship in Urology

- 1998–2003 Residency in Urology

- 1991–1998 Medical School. Saint Joseph University. Beirut, Lebanon

- General Surgery Department of Professor Pierre Farah, Hotel Dieu de France. Beirut, Lebanon

- Department of Doctor Jean Louis Berrod, Saint Michel Hospital. Paris, France

- Department of Professor Sleiman Merhej. Hotel Dieu de France. Beirut, Lebanon 

- Department of Professor Gerard Benoit, Bicetre University Hospital, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre Paris, France. Kidney Transplantation, Oncologic Surgery, Andrology

- Institut Mutualiste Montsouris. Paris, France - Department of Professor Guy Vallancien


- 2008–2011 Assistant Specialist then Attaché in Urology

- 2005–2011 Bicêtre and IGR, France - Member of the Multidisciplinary Committee of Cancerology

- 2005–2008 Assistant Clinic in Urology

- 1998–2002 Saint Joseph University, Hotel Dieu de France. Beirut, Lebanon - Hospital teaching of medical students.

- Courses in the Medical school of « University Paris Sud » France

- Member of the French Order of Physicians

- Member of the Lebanese Order of Physicians

- European Association of Urology



- Massoud W, Eschwehe , Hajj P, Awad A, Laaza LA, Chabenne J, Hammoudi Y, Droupy S, Benoit G : Hydronephrosis secondary to sliding inguinal hernia containing the ureter
Video Session Hajj P : Laparoscopic Live Donor Nephrectomy : How to do it : 23eme Journée de  Bicêtre  : Prélèvement d’organes en vue de Transplatation 22 Juin 2011 
- Massoud W, Hajj P, Awad A, Chabenne J, Eschwege P, Droupy S, Hammoudi Y, Benoit G: external Genitalia Entrapment, a case report 
Hajj P, rapport du symposium « Prise en charge pluridisciplinaire du cancer de la prostate ( 18- 21 Novembre – AFU 2009) » 
- Massoud W, Ferlicot S, Hajj P, Awad A, Aoubi Laaza L, Droupy S, Hammoudi Y, Benoit G : Metastatic Breast carcinoma to the bladder
- Asaid B, Diallo D, Bessede T, Karam I, Hajj P,  Benoit G, Droupy S : Computer assisted dissection of the cavernous nerves in the neurovascular bundle : Oral Communication at the EAU meeting; Abstract in the British Journal of surgery 
- Hajj P, Ferlicot S, Massoud W, Awad A, Hammoudi Y, charpentier B, Durrback A, Droupy A, Benoit G : Prelevance of Renal Cell Carcinoma in Patients with Autosomal Dominant Polucystic Kidney Disease and chronic Renal Failure 
- Mawlawi H, Droupy S, Hajj P,  Rocher L, Ferlicot S, Benoit G : un cas de fistule Uretero Dudenale sur endoprothese ureterale 
- Benoit G, Hajj P : Lésions urogénitales et traumatismes pelviens : chapter in the book: Fractures et disjonctions de l’anneau pelvien de l’adulte 
- Hamon J, Rozet F, Hajj P, Cathelineau X, Baret E, Vallancien G : Laparoscopic Distal Ureterectomy for Low Grade Urothelial Malighnancy : Technical Considerations and intermediate Oncologic Outcomes : Abstract at the AUA meeting 
- Jabbour M, Hajj P, Merhhej S Double J Ureteral Stents in Percutaneous Nephrolithomy Reduced Morbility and shorter Hospital Stay : Oral Communication at the Endourology meeting
- Jabbour M, Hajj P,  Merhej S Hints for a safe Supracostal Renal Access In Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy : Oral Communication at the Endourology meeting 
- Registre du cancer au Liban, Experience de l’Hotel Dieu de France de Beyrouth, Etude pilote : M.D Thesis

See Doctors Time Table