Emergency Care

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Emergency Care

Last updated: 16/09/2020

24 / 7 support

The Medico - surgical Emergency Team of Hospital Aboujaoudé provides 24 / 7 immediate medical and surgical emergency care by practitioners experienced in emergency medicine. It receives a daily average of 30 to 40 patients.


The Medico - Surgical Emergency Team covers

Emergency without vital distress 
Treatment is provided by the emergency doctors in the department who may call upon one of the specialists at Aboujaoudé Hospital in the twenty or so medical and surgical specialties.
Emergencies with vital cardiorespiratory distress 
The patient is then immediately transferred to one of the intensive care units of Hospital Aboujaoudé - polyvalent or cardiac - where the care is provided on the spot by the doctor resuscitator or cardiologist.

Pediatric Emergencies

Pediatric medical and surgical emergencies are taken care of 24/7 by medical and surgical permanence.

Management Organization

Under the responsibility of Dr. Jihad Aboujaoudé, Head of Unit, the activity of the medical and surgical permanence at Aboujaoudé Hospital is ensured by:

  • 7 emergency Doctors

  • A dozen nurses, trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation,

  • A team of secretaries.

The service has among other rooms :

  •  1 room dedicated to "triage" (orientation of patients),

  •  1 nursing room,

  •  1 slaughter room for patients requiring heavy management.


A short-term surveillance space allows on-site reception of patients requiring continuous observation or patients awaiting admission for hospitalization.

To ensure optimal patient care, emergency physicians can access emergency medical facilities 24 hours a day, seven days a week, on a large part of the institution's medical and technical facilities: radiology, ultrasound, CT scan, interventional radiology,  Coronarography,  echo-doppler,  laboratory...
Surgical emergencies can be immediately ensured thanks to the operating theater which remains operational day and night and to the surgical teams of Aboujaoudé Hospital, which, in conjunction with emergency doctors, provide permanent daycare
Obstetric emergencies are also provided in liaison with the Gynecology-Obstetrics Unit of the Hospital.


In case of emergency

You wish to be transported to the Medical-surgical Permanence of Aboujaoudé Hospital ? 
You can ask the medical team that takes care of you  RED CROSS Rescue Call 140  or  CIVIL DEFENSE Rescue Call 125  to contact the Medical-surgical Permanence of Aboujaoudé Hospital at 04 718000 extension 714 or 715

The medical emergency surgeons will evaluate with your medical team the opportunity of your transport to Hospital Aboujaoudé and will organize if necessary your arrival in the service so that it takes place in the best conditions of efficiency and security.