Cardiac Assessment
Last updated: 27/11/2019
Non-invasive cardiac explorations
The non-invasive technical platform at Aboujaoudé Hospital enables a complete and modern cardiac assessment for the diagnosis and follow-up of cardiovascular diseases.
It enables one or more of the following examinations to be carried out :
Electrocardiogram (ECG) at rest
High quality cardiac echo-doppler, real-time 3D imaging, 4D strain (adopted by the world’s largest centres). The Cardiology Department at Aboujaoudé Hospital is equipped with two latest generation ultrasound machines. They cover cardiac conditions from birth (such as congenital fetal heart disease) to the most advanced adult age.
Cardiac Stress Test
for screening coronary heart disease, and other indications.
24 hours Rhythmic Holter
For the assessment and monitoring of arrhytmias.
24 Hour Pressure Holter (MAPA)
One of the blood pressure tests.
Performed under low anaesthesia; to reduce certain arrhythmias.
Trans-esophageal ultrasound or Echographie (TEE)
performed under low anaesthesia; in strokes evaluation, in case of suspicion of endocarditis, and other indications.
Myocardial MRI – NEW !!
It allows a clear visualization of the heart muscle, an accurate calculation of the ejection fraction, and identification of heart failure cause. It is carried out in the assessment of dilated and restrictive cardiomyopathies, in the myocarditis and in advanced ischemic heart disease assessment.